Chapter 3: Child Neglect and Psychological Maltreatment


USE Only Book ISBN-97814129171 Title: Family Violence Across the Lifespan 3rd Edition Authors: Ola W Barnett, Cindy L Miller-Perrin, Cindy

Miller-Perrin, Robin D Perrin.**
1. Chapters 3
2. The other reading materials (articles/e-handouts) are to be read and utilized as additional information to what is provided in the chapters.

Apply this information as appropriate with each chapter.
3. Format:
• Title page: course title, your name, chapter title and #, and date
• 12 font, 1” margins, double spaced
• 3 pages (not including title page) to fully incorporate reading materials and analysis
4. Reflection Paper:
• With chapter 3, choose one of the questions/issues listed below and respond making sure to incorporate readings. Do not summarize the chapter or

reading material. The purpose is to apply reading materials when providing a thoughtful response to the question. Students MUST reference chapter

material and any applicable articles in their response.
5. Grading criteria includes the ability to show you have read the course materials. This means in your critical analysis, you need to reference

what you have read so I can see that you are applying the course material to your thoughts.
• For example: “I was not surprised to read that some families are prone to violence due to social tolerance (p. 6). It is easy to see how the

media …”
6. These papers are a critical reflection on the reading material, not a journal of personal experiences.
Chapter 3: Child Neglect and Psychological Maltreatment
1. Discuss anything that challenged or reinforced your current beliefs, thoughts, or perceptions about the chapter’s subject matter.
2. If a child in your neighborhood is left alone every weekend and appears to have caring parents, do you have a responsibility to report the

neglect to the authorities? Why or why not?
3. Discuss some of the “fixable” problems among CPS workers, judges, and treatment personnel that fail to protect children from neglect,

psychological maltreatment, and exposure to interparental violence.
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