Christian Education in NC Christian Schools (Secondary)


Christian Education in NC Christian Schools (Secondary)

Dissertation specifications not listed in the application:

1) Microsoft Word or compatible software (to be opened online)
2) Footnotes or endnotes listed at the end of the paper
3) 10-12 font
4) Dissertation in lay language
5) In Times New Roman

Listed in application: Turabian style, 60 pages

I have been approved to write on a thesis I choose about North Carolina Christian Schools (Secondary schools). The writer may go any route.
I was working on “How did the economical and political conditions affect the establishment and longevity and Christian education/Schools in North Carolina?” I am exhausted trying to find a thesis statement/question suitable for this undertaking and am running out of time. I do not no where to begin because I have no workable thesis for this topic. I would like the contact person to define a workable thesis and write the dissertation. I would like one who has good communication skills.

Some ideas I have are listed below: The writer may go any route as long as long as we agree on the subject NC Secondary Christian Schools.

Book- State of NC vs.Christian Liberty by Kent Kelly, 1979, Calvary Press, Southern Pines, NC, Introduction by Jesse Helms

–Such as struggles of schools, emerging Christian schools from 1772, Salem Academy, a Moravian boarding school for girls & New Garden Boarding School founded by Quakers in 1837 &Saint Mary’s School in Raleigh, NC, Episcopal school, established in 1842 (then antebellum schools) and a few schools in between and after (Mt. Pisgah Academy, Cander, NC 1914, , until the great divide between NC’s Christian Secondary Schools and the N. C. Department of Public Instruction (Sate Board of Ed.) in the 1970’s


Decline and Boom of private (Christian) schools –
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