Client Internal Analysis


The small business, I chose is The Lotus Garden Restaurant

Assignment Instructions
Client Internal Analysis Written Report: This assignment is due at the end of Week 4. Remember “end of the week” means

Monday morning of the following week. It is presented here because it is what you will do with the information from your

management audit.
Individual Assignment: Client Internal Analysis
Audience: This presentation is intended to be the basis for part of your final report so you should write it with your

client in mind. While the client should be familiar with much of the information you are presenting it to demonstrate

your understanding of the firm and your evaluation of the firm’s strengths and weaknesses. Do not hesitate to remind the

client of important information.
Assignment: Using information from the management audit, and in order to demonstrate your understanding of your client’s

firm, prepare an internal analysis of the firm as described below. Also identify and elaborate strengths and weaknesses

of the firm. This report must be in narrative form, i.e. not simply an outline. It must be a single report and not

multiple reports submitted together.
Content: Please refer to the management audit for a suggested outline of issues to explore and evaluate. At a minimum,

your working paper should cover the essential elements of the business including but not necessarily limited to:
1. A brief history of the firm and the background of the owner or owners (5 pts)
2. The type of organization and the management structure of the firm (5 pts)
3. How well is the present strategy working? (text, page 115) (10 pts)
4. What are the company’s resource strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats? (text, page

116) (20 pts) Complete a SWOT analysis for your client’s company.
5. Are the company’s costs and prices competitive? Perform a strategic cost analysis using a value chain analysis.

(text, page 127) (15 pts)
6. How strong is the company’s competitive position? Present a weighted Competitive Strength Assessment table for

your client and it’s competitors, such as table 4.4 (text and table, page 139-141) (20 pts)
7. What strategic issues does the company face? (text, page 142) (20 pts)
8. Using the techniques proposed in the Duncan, Ginter, Swayne article, evaluate and discuss the unique strengths

and any weaknesses of your client’s business. (20 pts)
9. Summarize the company’s strengths and weaknesses. Don’t just present a list. This section requires your analysis.

The definition of “analysis” for the purposes of this report is, “An integration of the information gathered in the

previous sections of this report. This information and analysis will help you make intelligent decisions concerning your

client’s current situation and can be used to create a competitive advantage in the marketplace”. Your summary should

include unique, sustainable strengths of your client company. This is the meat of the report and should be the most

comprehensive section. (30 pts)
10. Spelling, grammar, typos, etc. (5 pts)
The details should be specific enough so that the audience clearly understands the essence of the business and your

evaluation of the current state of the business.
Information: Information for this analysis will come from your management audit of the firm as well as all appropriate

sources such as the internet, library, industry publications, statistical reports, chamber of commerce, competitors, and

similar businesses, customers or any other appropriate source.
Evaluation: This written assignment is to be completed and turned in on the date indicated in class. It will be evaluated

for thoroughness, thoughtfulness, organization and use of evidence. Style and grammar will be evaluated based upon the

course evaluation criteria for written material. Do not just present lists, but give your discussion of why the items

presented are important. Make a short conclusion at the end of each issue discussed and explain what your information

means for your client company. See your course syllabus for the number of points given this assignment.
Format of Report: At the beginning of the report you should include an Executive Summary of your report of no more than

one page. Your report should be printed double spaced using a 12-point font. Use no cover page. Submit according to

assignment submittal procedures. Margins for the paper must be one inch on top, bottom and left side, and 1.75 inches on

the right. The length of the report should not exceed 25 pages. Points will be deducted for failure to follow the report

format. In order to make it easier for the instructor to find the relevant information, please begin each section with

the appropriate heading from the assignment, followed by your discussion.
1) A brief history of the firm and the background of the owner or owners
The Lotus Garden is a Thai restaurant in the heart of Coral Gables, Florida, one of the most affluent cities in

South Florida. The restaurant has been in existence since 1986. The matriarch of the family, Mrs. Nunez was working at

another restaurant when she decided to open her own. They have been open ever since, although they were forced to change

locations in 1997. The space they originally had was lost due to the expansion of an adjacent Publix Supermarket.
The Lotus Garden has always been a family run established. They were all born in Vietnam and fled that country

after the war. Mrs. Nunez has three sons and two daughters and all of them worked at the restaurant from time to time.

They worked part-time while they were still in school. The restaurant is now run by the oldest daughter Maria. While Mrs.

Nunez still helps in the kitchen, Maria does all the cooking and is in charge of the day- to- day operations. The

youngest son, John, is the face of the restaurant. He is in charge of the dining area. He takes orders, runs food, and

also handles the beverage inventory.
The Lotus Garden closes but five days out of the year, all the national holidays. They open for lunch and dinner,

Monday through Friday. Once weekend, they only open for dinner. Peak time for the restaurant is lunch time. Their lunch

menu is very popular and they are located near several office buildings. In the evening, dinner is a little slower.

However, they do quite well with patrons that order take-out. The dinner crowd is very inconsistent during the week. The

restaurant does much better on the weekends.

Are mostly corporation: Next to the Lotus Garden
California Pizza Kitchen
Seasons 52
Within a block
Ruth Christ
Across the street from Lotus Garden
Red Coy- Thai/Sushi
Valmonte (Spanish restaurant)

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