
For this assignment, you are asked to create a 3 ½-4 minute audio presentation on the specimen assigned to you.
My topic is Nanoscience in Nano particles used in bone grafts
((You are asked to follow the script guidelines closely. The script format is attached separately. View in a new windowInsect Flight Outline Format-2.docxPreview the documentView in a new window You will be evaluated on how thoroughly you address each of the items in the format. You will also be evaluated on your delivery. Again, for organization, follow the structure of the script format. This allows for consistency across specimen. I strongly suggest typing up a script and reading it. You will upload your script here. You must cite at least 3 outside sources during your audio presentation.

Your sources must include at least one peer-reviewed article along with 2 other sources. prefer org websites))
write the speech in separate page.
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