cover letter


cover letter


this is a cover letter to describe the changes made btw different drafts. our teacher asks us to write three main assignments. One is Poem; one is prose and one is personal statement. Each assignment has three different drafts. The cover letter is the letter to show the difference after taking this class.
(Prompt: Introduce yourself as a writer. Track your progress throughout 39A with the use of complex claims, supportive evidence, and analysis.
You can and should include any ways in which you have met the course requirements, including but not limited to: drafts, deadlines, revisions, office hours, class participation, extra-curricular editing including peer tutors or the writing center, required readings and the ways in which you engaged with the writing that our authors offered.
You should close your letters with your game plan for the future. Keep in mind that our writing in 39A is not done, it’s just due. So, tell me what you plan to do with this skillset.)



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