Description: For your fourth essay assignment, you will develop and respond to one of the following research questions, or you will submit a question of your own, related to environmental sustainability, and seek approval to write your paper on that question. Possible questions


Description: For your fourth essay assignment, you will develop and respond to one of the following research questions, or you will submit a question of your own, related to environmental sustainability, and seek approval to write your paper on that question. Possible questions include:

• What are the leading causes of the climate emergency facing our planet today?
• How does population impact the environment, and what are some actions taken by society that can or could curtail population’s impact on the environment?
• What is happening with the earth’s glaciers today and why?
• How does America compare to and contrast with other countries regarding consumption and sustainability issues?
• How does animal agriculture affect our planet?
• Is the bottling of water an issue in America?

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