Essay Many university students engage in paid employment. Discuss the impact of this on their academic performance and their overall experience at university.



Essay Many university students engage in paid employment. Discuss the impact of this on their academic performance and their overall experience at university.
• Use FIVE (5) academic sources, including the required reading. (Applegate & Daly 2006)
• Present your report using one consistent referencing style (APA 6th edition).
• Show your knowledge of the topic area as it is discussed in the literature.
• Write in a formal academic style.
• You will need to do both Primary and Secondary Research for the report.
METHOD : Questionnaire.
Create a questionnaire using a range of question and answer techniques
(e.g.: open, closed, and demographic). Refer to text pp.275-278 and/or consult with your tutor.
This instrument should be used with a minimum of 10 respondents.
The outcome of your primary research will be shown (ie: tables, figures and graphs) in the
Findings section of your report. The Discussion section of the report can be used to connect your
primary research outcomes with the secondary research findings.
This will be your research, reading, and analysis of five academic sources. You will then write a literature review from the sources. This section of the report is written in essay format (including paraphrases, quotations, citations, correctly written paragraphs, appropriate introduction, and conclusion with a clear argument).


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