Ethics Case Analysis: Facebook

Do not include a cover page or an abstract. The running header should be my name (first/last) and the name of the case.

Citations and a reference page, in APA format, are required. Use only academic resources from the UMUC library.

This paper should be completed with the following section headings and related content. Note that the Times New Roman 12

is used below, per APA requirements.

Section 1: Relevant Facts

This section should be 1-2 paragraphs. Remember to use complete sentences and to indent the first line of each paragraph.

The entire document is double-spaced, with no additional spacing between paragraphs or sections.

Section 2: Ethical Issues

Use a separate bullet for each ethical issue identified.

There may be one or several ethical issues present in the case.

Section 3: Stakeholder Analysis

Primary Stakeholders

Use a separate bullet for each primary stakeholder identified.

There may be one or several stakeholders under each subheading.

Indirect Stakeholders

Use a separate bullet for each indirect stakeholder identified.

There may be one or several stakeholders under each subheading.

Secondary Stakeholders

Use a separate bullet for each secondary stakeholder identified.

There may be one or several stakeholders under each subheading.

Section 4: Application of Major Ethical Theories

Ethical Theory 1: Utilitarianism

Describe how this theory applies to the case situation in a short paragraph.

Ethical Theory 2: Duty-Based Theory

Describe how this theory applies to the case situation in a short paragraph.

Ethical Theory 3: Social Contract Theory

Describe how this theory applies to the case situation in a short paragraph.

Ethical Theory 4: Virtue-Based Theory

Describe how this theory applies to the case situation in a short paragraph.

Section 5: Alternatives

Alternative 1: (Identify Here)

Alternatives must be mutually exclusive (i.e., represent totally different courses of action). In the paragraph under

each alternative, briefly discuss the pros and cons of pursuing this course of action.

Alternative 2: (Identify Here)

Alternatives must be mutually exclusive (i.e., represent totally different courses of action). In the paragraph under

each alternative, briefly discuss the pros and cons of pursuing this course of action.

Alternative 3: (Identify Here)

Alternatives must be mutually exclusive (i.e., represent totally different courses of action). In the paragraph under

each alternative, briefly discuss the pros and cons of pursuing this course of action.

Section 6: Recommendation

In this section, recommend the one proposed alternatives (from Section 5) that you feel is the most ethical course of

action, and justify your position. Remember to include your reference page (after a page break) at the end of your paper.
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