Foundations of Higher Education Policy and Law Paper


Foundations of Higher Education Policy and Law Paper


In the first part of EDL 845, we focused on the foundations and definitions of policy, including the legal policy process and policy analysis. In this five to seven page paper (12 point font, 1” margins, double-spaced, APA), you will do the following:

1.) Choose a higher education policy issue of which you are familiar.( I will upload my research paper so you can use it as issue)
2.) Discuss the legal policy process and/or policy analysis steps of your policy issue (the theoretical approach to policy/ the “neat” approach to policy). Please include relevant citations from course texts. As a note, you can put estimates or just a ## or XX in areas where you might not know the statistical information or technical information.
3.) Provide one or two paragraphs (two or three examples) of how context/environment/forces/values (“the messy or real world” elements of policy) impact the process or analysis of your higher education policy issue. Please include relevant citations from course texts.


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