HR’s Role in an Organization

HR’s Role in an Organization

Describe the different training and development methods the organization provides
Are these methods / opportunities required or optional?
Is training used as a reward or corrective measure?
What incentives (if any) do employees get for completing training?
How effective do you think these methods are? Justify your reasoning.
What are the different components of the organization’s onboarding training? (For example, sexual harassment, workplace safety, facilities, technology, etc.)
What topics (if any) are missing from onboarding training that you think would be valuable to include? Justify your reasoning.
Besides onboarding, what (if any) ongoing training/support is provided for an employee’s first year at the organization?
What non-training opportunities does the organization provide for employee development? (For example, job enlargement, job rotation, transfers, temporary assignments, mentors and coaches)
Based on your understanding of the organization’s training and development practices, and the different methods listed in your textbook, what other training and development practices might the organization employ to further support its employee development?
As you are writing, be sure to refer back to your textbook and the required readings. Write out any observations of how the training and development methods or approaches of your organization’s HR department differ from the processes presented in the required readings.
Consider whether the HR department’s training and development methods and approaches seem effective and efficient. Justify your reasoning.
Ensure your paper follows APA formatting (See for assistance) and properly cites any references (such as the textbook, your organization’s website, publications, distribution materials, etc.)


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