Human Resource Management

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Online Quiz 5 opens on Monday June 1, 2015 at
9.00 am AEST and closes on Sunday June 7, 2015
at 5.00 pm AEST


Week 10 / Module 10: Human Resource Development


1. Introduction :

The topic emphasises the importance of developing an integrated and aligned HRD system to the benefits of the organisation and its individual employees. It discusses the determination of requirements and the evaluation of training, the link between the organisation’s long-term needs and the importance of providing relevant developmental programs.


Week 11 / Module 11: Motivation, Rewards and Compensation


1. Introduction :

This topic discusses reward and compensation management is an important component of the HRM functions in organisations. It can impact on attraction and retention of quality employees, and motivation of staff to achieve organisational goals.



For this task, you will use the “Shuzworld” case study (see Web Links section below). As the operations consultant for Shuzworld, you will prepare a memo for your boss with your analysis and recommended solutions to the problems presented in the task. Each problem will most likely be solved using a different decision analysis tool.

All the instructions in the case study are considered task directions. Please provide answers to all questions posed in the case study as you respond to the following task prompts.

A. Develop a distribution pattern that meets availability and demand constraints and minimizes total shipping costs for Shuzworld, using an appropriate decision analysis tool, as directed in section 4 (“Meeting production challenges”) of the Shuzworld case study.

Note: The final solution should also address the increase in supply.

1. Submit an accurate copy of the computer-generated output from the appropriate decision analysis tool used in part A.
a. Explain why the decision analysis tool you chose is the best fit for this problem.

B. Analyze the reliability of the computer-driven shoe machines process in the Shuzworld Shanghai plant as directed in section 4 (“Meeting production challenges”) of the Shuzworld case study.
1. Recommend ways to increase the reliability of the system, using an appropriate decision analysis tool.

Note: The recommendation should be supported with evidence from the current system reliability, as well as the system reliabilities from each of the three backup options.

2. Submit an accurate copy of the computer-generated output from the appropriate decision analysis tool used in part B1.
a. Explain why the decision analysis tool you chose is the best fit for this problem.

C. Provide the optimum number of shoelaces to order for the Shuzworld Factory, considering appropriate cost balancing, using an appropriate decision analysis tool, as directed in section 5 (“Meeting inventory challenges”) of the Shuzworld case study.
1. Explain how an economic order quantity (EOQ) amount relates to the problem.
2. Submit an accurate copy of the computer-generated output from the appropriate decision analysis tool used in part C.
a. Explain why the decision analysis tool you chose is a good fit for this problem.

D. Compare the one-cashier and two-cashier waiting line systems as directed in section 6 (“Customer service standards”) of the Shuzworld case study.

Note: The following Shuzworld customer service standards should be discussed in the response:
• How many customers will be in the system (waiting in line or being served) on average?
• What is the average time a customer will spend in the system (waiting in line and being served)?
• How many customers will be in line on average?
• How long will customers wait in line on average?
• What is the probability of no one being in line or being served?

1. Recommend a one-cashier or two-cashier waiting line system, using an appropriate decision analysis tool.
2. Submit an accurate copy of the computer-generated output from the appropriate decision analysis tool from part D1.
a. Explain why the decision analysis tool you chose is the best fit for this problem.

E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format


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Assignment 3, Reflective Journal Exercise Instructions

On-going participation and reflection is important to your learning in this course. The aim of this assessment item is to give you the opportunity to formalise your reflections on the learning material and also to give the lecturers a means of evaluating your involvement with the material/ modules. Self-directed reflection time has been integrated into your study plan in weeks 6 and 10, with an overall review of modules 1-5 in week 13. This work will be assessed through assignment 3. The weighting for this assignment is 30%.

When you get to the end of each of the 5 topics/ online modules, reflect on your learning. You are asked to reflect upon your learning using the following questions as a guide.
Ask yourself:

1. What have I learnt in studying this topic?
2. What professional and personal challenges have I experienced as a result of engaging in this learning?
3. How will this newfound knowledge and understanding inform my future practice?

You can present your reflection in any form that you wish. For example, you may write a short story or poem or an outline. You may draw, paint, create a graphic collage or find a picture and comment on how this represents your thinking. Whatever the format, each topic reflection (5) should be no more than two A4 pages in length. Therefore to complete this assignment you will submit twelve A4 pages, two A4 pages for each topic (modules 1-5 and Future Predictions). Suitable references must be integrated into your reflections and a reference list provided (APA 6thed.).

A useful guide in how to take notes related to the course topics is provided. This may help you to incrementally work through this assignment and reflect on your learning as we complete each topic/module.
Please note that when you have completed your reflections and finished preparing all twelve pages they should be collated into one document and uploaded to the turnitin portal


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