Illustrations (PIE)

Write about an issue or problem that affects you and/or your peers in a community to which you belong—your home, family, work, school, neighborhood, or cultural group. You should spend the majority of the essay describing and analyzing the problem itself and working to convince your reader that it is a significant area of concern. The essay should avoid offering potential solutions until you reach your conclusion.
The goal of this essay is to explore a problem in detail before trying to find a solution. When we are confronted with problems, we often look immediately towards a solution—it feels better to be able to fix things as soon as possible. However, if we jump directly to finding a solution, the complexity of the problem itself can be lost. You will need to convince your readers that the problem you discuss is indeed a problem. Explain what the problem is, what may have caused it, and why it matters. Your audience needs to care about the problem before it can consider a proposed solution

You should draw Illustrations (PIE) and evidence from the following sources:
• personal experience and observation
• interviews with other members of your community (NOTE: You must conduct at least ONE INTERVIEW with someone else who is affected by this problem!)
• 1-2 credible outside sources (newspaper, internet, etc. (We will discuss what constitutes a credible source in the next few weeks.



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