Instructional and Delivery Strategies


Instructional and Delivery Strategies
This paper must flow with the previous paper that was completed by superior papers. This paper must be APA format,double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides, citations, and references must follow APA format. Must include cover page containing the title of the assignments, the students name, the professor name, the course title, and the date.
Paper must be 6-8 page. 1. Create a quarter-page (1/4) informative abstract for my final project. 2.Create an evaluation plan that clearly correlates to the three learning objectives you developed in previous assignment. Specify the measure that best fit each objectives. 3. Prepare five questions test that correlates with the learning objectives my learning objectives are: The appropriate curriculum for students with learning differences and well prepare lesson plan! (My paper is focus on that).
4. Determine the type of evaluation approach that is most appropriate for the project. Provide a rationale for your selections. 5. Select a learning theory that applies to the instructional design of the project. Provide a rationale for your selections. 6. Create three learning theory principles, not previously mentioned, and specify how they apply to your project. Examine the information gaps within the project. Determine the information that is necessary in order to complete the project more effectively. Provide a rationale for your response. 7. Specify the next steps to complete the delivery of the instruction. Identify final preparations needed such as the locations, resource, equipment, transportation and food.


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