Land Monitoring Report ….The four areas we want you to report on for your chosen land management system under a particular aspect of sustainability are:

Land Monitoring Report ….The four areas we want you to report on for your chosen land management system under a particular aspect of sustainability are:
Land monitoring

Evaluation is an important part of the delivery of goals or outcomes such as continual improvement or sustainability, providing support to decision-making on, for example, the appropriateness of design, implementation and achievement of intended results. For this assignment students need to select a land management system e.g. a farm, national park or reserve, town or city and assess how well it is being evaluated through a monitoring (M), evaluating (E), Reporting (R) and improving (I) through an adaptive management framework. The continuous and integrated cycle of monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement is referred to as MERI in the Australian natural resource management context.
You can focus on a particular aspect of sustainability within the land management system such as environment, economics, social, and governance aspects, but you need to critique the level of compliance and reported improvement in the land management system. What are the deficiencies of the MERI system? And can there be continual improvement? We would like you to examine the four key areas but within a specified land management system.
The four areas we want you to report on for your chosen land management system under a particular aspect of sustainability are:
(1) monitoring – the regular collection and analysis of information to assist timely decision-making, ensure accountability and provide the basis for evaluation and learning;
(2) evaluation – in the natural resource management (NRM) context, periodic assessment of the impact, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency and legacy of a land management activity;
(3) reporting – communication of the findings associated with the evaluation process;
(4) improvement – the use of the evaluation findings to inform decision-making about whether and where adjustments might be made to ensure achievement of intended results or the longer-term objectives of the land management system.

Land Monitoring Report

Submission requirements

Answer the following questions for your chosen land management system addressing a particular program or activity within it that is a working example of adaptive management with a goal of sustainability.
1. Is there a monitoring program that provides the regular collection and analysis of information to assist timely decision-making, ensure accountability and provide the basis for evaluation and learning?
2. Is there periodic assessment of the impact, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency and legacy of a land management activity?
3. Is there a regular communication of the findings associated with the evaluation process?
4. Is there demonstrated use of the evaluation findings to inform decision-making about whether and where adjustments might be made to ensure achievement of intended results or the longer-term objectives of the land management system?



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