
Paper details

In Unit 2, you selected a leader biography or autobiography to read. You also identified some additional articles about the leader.

The purpose of this assignment is to extract lessons and insights that can be applied to your own leadership, and to understand ways in which leaders develop and change over time as they practice leadership. The objectives of this assignment are to:
•Analyze the experiences, philosophy, and practices of a leader.
•Explore ways in which a leader develops and changes over his or her career.
•Apply insights from the leader’s life and how he/she enacted leadership to your own approach to leadership.

Reminder: You will need to use the book you read, assigned course materials and the additional resources you located through the Capella Library. (Learners have typically listed 5–7 references—the book they read, assigned course material, and 3–4 relevant articles found through the Capella Library.)

You will write an 8–10-page paper in which you:
1.Analyze the person’s leadership from the following perspectives: •The impact of personal characteristics (including personal growth and development prior to becoming a leader or holding a leadership position).
•Individual priorities and values.
•Use of power.
•Relationships with followers.
•Overall leadership style.

2.Relate your analysis to the various theories and models you studied this quarter and found for this project. Questions you might consider are: •What were the most important characteristics (traits, skills) that contributed to his or her success or failure, and can these be developed or moderated? How did the leader develop them and how might you?
•What were the leader’s priorities? What did he or she worry about? What motivated him or her? How did he or she spend his or her time? What was his or her scorecard for measuring success? How does this relate to yours?
•How did the leader gain and exercise power? How important was power to the leader’s success? Could his or her methods be applied by you effectively?
•What was the relationship of the leader to followers? Why did people follow? Would he or she be a good follower?
•What was the individual’s style or styles of leadership? How adaptable is that style and in what kinds of situations or organizations would it be most effective?

3.Evaluate the person’s leadership execution and long term success (or failure) using the following criteria: •Presence (or absence) of a vision.
•His or her ability as a communicator.
•The need for and impact of change (if it was a factor).
•The influence of personal values.
Base your evaluations on the various theories and models you studied this quarter. Some questions you might consider are: •Did the leader have a vision of what he or she sought for the organization? Was that important to his or her success? How was it communicated to the organization and what impact did it have? Was passion critical? How was direction established and alignment behind it achieved?
•Was the leader an effective communicator? What can you learn from the leader’s skills?
•What was the context in which the leader led and what were its particular demands and characteristics? In what other situations would he or she most likely have succeeded or failed? In what cultures, including national?
•How did the leader lead and manage change and innovation processes?
•What were the central values (including ethical) of the leader and what impact did they have? How were they impressed on the organization? Was the leader confronted with ethical challenges and, if so, how did he or she address them? Did the leader display courage?
•How did the leader evolve or change as his or her life unfolded? Were there particular experiences that had a major impact on the leader he or she became? Can these be replicated?

4.Assess leadership effectiveness using criteria, concepts, and ideas form this course.
5.Assess what you can learn from this leader—both as a leader now and in the future. Consider whether the person’s approach to leadership is something you would emulate, whether it would be applicable to your organization or situation, and whether followers would respond positively.

Remember to make explicit use of a range of resources (course materials, the book you read, and the articles you found) in this paper.

Additional requirements for this assignment:
•Written communication: Written communication is free of GUM errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.
•Length of paper: 8–10 pages, double-spaced.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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