Literature Review


Please complete a 2 page literature review on the following Topic: Refugees and immigrants lack of successful employment outcomes with the

Departments of Vocational Rehabilitation Services in the United States. Please use International Journal Articles. Please also use the following

references as well:

Hayward, B.J, and Schmidt-Davis, H. (2003a). Longitudinal study of the vocational
rehabilitation services program: Final report 2: VR Services and Outcomes. RTI
Hayward, B. J. and Schmidt-Davis, H. (2003b). (2003). Longitudinal study of the vocational
rehabilitation services program: Final report 1. RTI International.
Hayward, B. J. and Schmidt-Davis, H. (2005).
Longitudinal study of the vocational
rehabilitation (VR) services program: Final report 3: The context of VR services. RTI
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