M3A1: Topic Proposal/Research Question and Brief Outline for Essay 2: Ethical Dilemmas in the Military


M3A1: Topic Proposal/Research Question and Brief Outline for Essay 2: Ethical Dilemmas in the Military


This assignment is the first step to completing M4A1: Essay 2 in which you will write about ethical dilemmas that confront either an individual or a group in a military setting. Please review the readings to get some ideas for your topic. The learning outcome states: Students will be able to apply concepts of: ethical conduct in decision making, ethical conduct in action, social responsibility in decision making, and social responsibility in action.

Begin working on M4A1: Essay 2 Ethical Dilemmas in the Military (due in Module 4), by defining an ethical dilemma that confronts either individuals or groups in the military. A group may include—any multi-person unit, from a squad all the way to the entire armed forces.

Here are your instructions for this M3A1 assignment that will form the foundation of your Essay 2 (due in Module 4):

•Create a research question from this ethical dilemma. For example:1.Ethical dilemma: Hydrologic fracturing for natural gas.

2.Research question: “Is the pursuit of natural gas through the process of hydrological fracturing worth the risks to the environment and community health?”

3.Create a short (2+ pages) outline for this research question detailing how you will examine both perspectives objectively and then use research facts and data to arrive at a responsible conclusion.

4.List 2 academic resources you will be using, one for each perspective. Give complete APA style references for each.

Essay 2, DUE in Module 4, should be 1500 to 2000 words in length (not including title page and reference page). The paper must contain in-text citations and references in APA style. Papers submitted without in-text citations and a reference page will not be accepted.

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