


The paper is about doing a project in the Arab Region. the Project is that each student must come up with a commodity that can be fully produced or manufactured in the Arab Countries.
The Product I want the writer to talk about is Producing Wheat in Great Amounts. Firstly the writer should focus on how to start such a project I would prefer if the writer chooses Sudan. Firstly I want the Writer to tell how much land would be needed to reach great mass producing for the Arab World with Calculations and Statistics. What is the demand for wheat in the Arab Region, what is the consumption of it? where does most of the Arab Countries get their Wheat from? is it cheaper to produce and sell to Arab countries operating from Sudan? would there be any complications to buy lands in Sudan and Produce Wheat? would it be more efficient and effective to produce in Sudan and Sell in the Arab Region? how much should be produced?
After that I would like mathematical models applications, tables, Graphs to show me if the project is feasible or not? I also want forecasting models to be applied for the future 5 years with realistic numbers, also supply chain management model should be applied, also I want project life-cycle, project structure, inventory management model.
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moreover I want 10 sources to be used 2 of them from books, 3 from certified articles, and 5 from the internet.

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