
The stakeholders have affirmed their acceptance with the scope statement and pricing and cost estimating techniques you

as the project manager are going to employ. Your stakeholders express their desire to understand how the project’s

overall costs will be monitored, managed, and controlled. With this information in mind, research various cost control

monitoring processes implemented for a project of this nature. The assumption is that the same cost control techniques

will not work effectively for all projects. As a project manager, you may have to develop unique controls that can be

applied to your particular project.

Write a paper and include a supporting MS Excel spreadsheet explaining the cost control processes or procedures to be

implemented for the project environment. Include in your cost control explanation the operating cycle, budgets, the

earned value measurement system, and your approach to a possible cost overrun dilemma. Provide specific examples where

appropriate in order to help your stakeholders understand the variance in project scope planning, as risks can quickly

impact the project’s success.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate

scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages plus spreadsheet, not including title and reference pages


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