MARKETING MANAGEMENT(The expanded marketing mix )

The expanded marketing mix is the topic.
Value: 45%.
Length: 3500 words.
This assessment is to be submitted to Turnitin by midnight on the due date. Don’t need contents, introduction and

executive summery. Please use the seven questions as sub-headings and include APA references where required. A reference

list should be included.
The final stage of the marketing audit is for you to evaluate how well the marketing mix of the organisation is

performing for your chosen organisation ( attention: my chosen company is H&M, this company cannot be changed ) .

Referring to the chapters 7-14 of the text, and with the use of secondary research, please provide informed answers to

the following questions:
1. Are there any products/services able to benefit from quality, feature and style improvements? If so, how?(500words)
2. Are there any new products worth adding?(500words)
3. What are the pricing objectives , policies, strategies and procedures? To what extent are prices set on sound cost,

demand and competitive criteria? (500words)
4. What are the distribution objectives and strategies. How can these be improved? (500words)
5. What are the organisation’s promotional objectives and strategies? Are they sound? (500words)
6. How could the promotional budget be improved to get better results? (500words)
7. How could the use of the expanded marketing mix, as outlined in chapter 14 be used to improve the performance of the

organisation? (500words)
This assignment is the final part of the marketing audit and focuses student learning on the specific of each part of the

marketing mix and how well they are being applied in a business or organisational environment. The assignment also

introduces the concept of the expanded marketing mix, and how it can be applied to modern organisations. This assignment

is intended to show an application of detailed knowledge, analysis and judgment gained from the subject. Be able to apply

the marketing mix and aspects of branding and positioning to a specific target market and be able to evaluate

competitors’ programs; and be able to discover and evaluate how contemporary issues of environment, social media and

other technology, society and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) might affect marketing.
Attention: in order to past this assignment, teacher required us : (1) The report structures need to follow the

description below, to be more clear pls check the file that I uploaded (the file is from my friends writing don’t copy

the words only follow the fomat) (2) 1 Pls use the theory applying to H&M, focus on researching the required info link to

H&M. Textbook must be one of the references : Pride, William, Ferrel, OC, Lukas, Bryan, Shembri, Sharon and Outi, Nininen

(2015) Marketing Principles: 2nd Asia Pacific Edition, Cengage Australia, ISBN: 9780170254793.
2 All the references must be from 2010 to 2015. 3 My chosen company is H&M. (
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