
1. Describe the specific characteristics of Luther’s chorale and how it was used in the Protestant service. Then describe

a present-day religious song style that reflects similar characteristics and functions as those of the chorale.

2. Identify specific characteristics of Palestrina’s compositional style. Then describe how Byrd’s Agnus Dei (watch and

listen to the YouTube video listed under Study Materials) reflects the influence of Palestrina’s style.

(YouTube Video)

Agnus Dei – Byrd, Mass for 4 Voices, sung by Choir of Christ Church, Oxford (3:34 min.),

This video presents an Agnus Dei from a mass by William Byrd, showing the music as it is performed.


In the citations within the body of your narratives, include page numbers as well, especially from the materials that I

had attached which is from the book “Barbara Russano Hanning”(concise History of Western Music, 5th ed.) and “J. Peter

Burkholder and Claude V. Palisca” (Norton Anthology of Western music, Volume one,7th ed.)

Norton Anthology of Western Music, vol. 1—nos. 46c, 49, 51(a, b), 52(a, b), 53
Norton Recorded Anthology of Western Music, vol. 1 (streamed on Total Access Student StudySpace)—nos. 46c, 49, 51(a, b),

52(a, b), 53

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