Novel therapeutic approaches in glioblastoma multiform.

literature reviewfor Literature Review with Comparative Analysis

Underlined sections must appear in the manuscript and must be labeled:
Cover Page includes:
• Title
• Name, Degree(s), Program (eg: MSBST – Medical Laboratory Science)
• Faculty Advisor(s)
• Course designation: LS 802. Research Project II Spring 2015.
• Abstract: Each of these sections must be labeled: General Topic (including Background, Reason/Objective of
study); Trends (Similarities & Differences); Comparative Analysis; Conclusion/Summary
The abstract should briefly describe the focus of the research, the design (must be specific – state type of research)

and method of study, summary of findings and conclusions. Abstract must not exceed 200 words, single spaced.
• Reference Style Used: Name the Journal to which your citations conform: ____________________

Acknowledgment Page: This page is optional. If included, should identify those who assisted the student in terms of

materials or experimental procedures; permission to quote copyrighted material and any special funding.

Body of Paper must be organized in the following sequence with the sections clearly labeled:
[Section headings must be in boldface; section content must be in regular font]

Format A Outline
• I. Introduction consists of four parts that are usually discussed in one paragraph.
a. Identify the general topic being discussed.
b. Mention trends published about the topic.
c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literature review.
d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria (relevance, power, special circumstances) used in
evaluating the literature review and rationalizing its organization
• II. Literature reviewed use with/if “sub-topics” are appropriate.
a. First set of studies is summarized and discussed.
b. Second set of studies is summarized and discussed, etc c. d………….
use tables, charts or appropriate graphics to illustrate these sets
• III. Comparative analysis acknowledges the similarities and differences among all studies.
a. Similarities (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed.
b. Differences (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed.
• IV. Conclusion/Summary effectively wraps up the review. Summarize points of comparison or contrast among the
works based on Section III of your review.
• V. Insights/Recommendations Relationship between the topic of review and a larger area of study such as a
specific discipline or profession

Format B organizes the literature review according to similarities and differences among research rather than by

literature studied. In a review organized according to Format B, little background information on the literature being

reviewed is given outright. Instead, it is worked into the body paragraphs of the sections on similarities and

differences. The conclusion then uses these two sections (similarities and differences) to tie in points of comparison

and contrast
between the works. Format B better suits papers that are topically organized.
• I. Introduction consists of four parts usually discussed in one paragraph.
a. Identify the general topic being discussed.
b. Mention trends published about the topic.
c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literature review.
d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating the
literature review and rationalizing its organization
• II. Similiarities within the research are discussed.
a. First similarity among research is discussed.
b. Second similarity among research is discussed, etc c. d……… .
• III. Differences in the research are discussed.
a. First difference between research is discussed
b. Second difference between research is discussed, etc c. d………
• IV. Conclusion/Summary Summarize points of comparison or contrast between the works.
• V. Insights/Recommendations Provide insight into relationship between the topic of the literature and a larger
area of study such as a specific discipline or profession. Recommendations for further study if any, must be included.

Recommendations for “further study” must be specific. Further study means additional study(ies) that you can/might or

could complete if/when you continue this research. Statements such as “more research needs to be done….” are not


• Back Sheet: References The number of references required at minimum should conform to the RESEARCH
. You are expected to demonstrate via depth and breadth of references that you have identified,
reviewed and incorporated, as appropriate, the most germane publications relevant to your
topic. Every reference cited in the text must be included. References must be cited using a
contemporary scientific format. As your manuscript must be written with an intent to publish, the journal style to which

the manuscript is being submitted (hypothetically or actual) must be
named. Your manuscript must include an ACTIVE LINK TO THE “INSTRUCTIONS TO
Citations: Citations must conform to the style of your selected journal. ALL CITATIONS

• Addenda/Appendices, as appropriate.

If any section is not identified, a deduction for that section will be taken, especially if the content cannot be

discerned by the reader. All sections of the paper will be evaluated for organization, clarity, content and meeting the

guidelines provided for each section.

The most important thing to remember when organizing a literature review is that it is not a list summarizing one work

after another. The review should be organized into sections according to themes that are set apart by subject-related


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