
I need a 1000 words survey essay, based on 10 questions survey questionnaire. I have to websites that can be used as references: to consult two websites concerning “high risk behavior” as research to become better informed on the survey topic and set a direction for your own survey:
a) CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) home page:
on the website you find a YRBS 2013 Report in pdf which is linked below:
b) another resource is from an article of the website:
Visit the site www.surveymonkey.com and register for the free survey tool. This will allow you to prepare, distribute, and collect results for a 10-question survey needed to complete this. To log in I have username : ana2138772 , pass: vinolamine78
I will send you another specifications: I need in the following structure/order:
abstract -> introduction+hypothesis -> background/issue – > survey details -> results (data) -> analysis/recommendation -> conclusion/restate hypothesis -> references -> the appendix survey+results (from the surveymonkey.com)
I will upload 2 essay samples from other students, that were graded by my instructor. He gave it to us to follow the structure, or so….
Note: essay will begin with an abstract paragraph. Include an abstract of ~10% of the content. Note that the abstract is a summary that stands alone; it is NOT an introduction or intended to replace the introduction — it just happens to come first.
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