Philippines Federal

Description: students are required to write a briefing paper on a specific issue (i.e education) for (National) Minister of a selected country, and make an oral presentation to the officials of the Ministry. The paper (2000 words) and presentation (15 minutes) are required to cover the following sections:
1.    1)  The topic of the briefing paper;
2.    2)  Background of the issue; of Philippines
3.    3)  Analysis of the issue (significant aspects of the issue, prospective problems/consequences/opportunities);
4.    4)  Identification and discussion of the options of solution, and recommendations to address the issue.

I CHOOSE = Philippines because it’s developing country and the last prime minister had campaign called “one laptop per child” which they collaborated with intel company to give each of the student laptop.

The report will be assessed using the following criteria:
a)  Demonstrated understanding and knowledge of theories and concepts of global knowledge society.
b)  Demonstrated capability to apply theories to analyse practical issues.
c)  Evidence of research of the issue with appropriately referenced source material.
d)  Accurate grammar, punctuation, spelling, and proper structure of the presentation.

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