Relationship Corporate Governance of Publicly Listed Companies and Foreign Investment in Canada


Relationship Corporate Governance of Publicly Listed Companies and Foreign Investment in Canada

Here is another paper for my classmates, some other writer help me to do that for last time, but I want give all the paper to you to write, because I trust you. You are a good communicator, but please do not use the same way you write for another paper, just follow the last writer’s style to finish this paper, just in case the prof find out this two paper is written by the same person. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. We can finish this two big project together. The topic is The Relationship between Corporate Governance of Publicly Listed Companies and Foreign Investment in Canada
Do not copy and paste the data and result I upload for you. Find the data follow the instruction and use gretl software to get the result, if you do not familiar with gretl, I can help you to do so. You need to read everything I am upload for the file carefully,You need to know how to use gretl software, also everything should be fluent, you need to use the literature I upload to you, or I will give you my student number and password so that you can download the paper from econlit for free, everything you find must through our school website, I will show you how to do that , go to our school website first, then under top left acdemics, you click libraries, then on the top left five you click research guides by program, then under social science you click economics, then click working papers, then choose any one of these website, EconLit NBER Working Papers EconPapers Social Science Research Network eLibrary then you put user name:ys07ti;password:1988.helen now you can find the paper from there, also you need to give me each reference you use a website. Data report The purpose of this report is for you to present and critically assess the data that you have collected. This requires you to report the raw data, identify the source(s) of the data, discuss important features or limitations of the dataset (including defining all variables) and explain any manipulations of the data required prior to estimation. In addition to handing in a paper copy of your report, a copy of your report must be e-mailed to Professor Renzetti on February 24th prior to the class time. The e-mailed file name must be “ Data Report” and it must be in either Word (.doc), Excel (.xls) or Adobe (.pdf) format. The report should approximately three pages (excluding tables). See below for the suggested outline. Organization 1. Introduction: summarize your topic and state your hypothesis. 2. Data (a) Source(s) of data and variable definitions (b) Data manipulations required before estimation (c) Critical assessment of data Tables1 Raw data (if over 100 observations, then print only the first 10 and last 10 observations) Descriptive statistics References 1 Tables should not be cut and pasted from CANSIM or any other website.
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