RESEARCH ESSAY: The Clean Bin Project !


Your essay should be 1000 words standard academic format and should follow MLA style guidelines.
You should include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay (on a separate page). Your Works Cited page should follow MLA guidelines. Failure to cite all sources both within the essay and in the Works Cited page will result in 0%. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and there is zero tolerance.

THE ASSIGNMENT: Using the documentary film The Clean Bin Project as the central focus of your essay, research and write an essay that argues what you believe is the one biggest obstacle to reducing waste in our society. The film presents various obstacles in relation to the city of Vancouver and to North America: the habit of over-consumption, the use of plastic (a product that does not decompose), a lack of consumer awareness and motivation, the prevalence of single-use items, consumers’ distant relationship with waste, a reluctance to compost organic household materials, etc. The obstacles presented in the film are numerous. You must select ONE OBSTACLE from above that stands in the way of reducing waste, and argue and prove why you believe this is the most significant obstacle. You must prove your position with well-defined reasons and supplement your analysis of the film through additional research. Be sure to follow instructions and argue convincingly for one obstacle.
I suggest you pick the use of plastic (a product that does not decompose)

*Please note: Students are encouraged to integrate into their research essay the data they collected in their one-week personal garbage lot as further evidence and illustrative examples for their essay. In this point, in somewhere in the essay, write about your data analysis of your personal garbage, for example, you have plastic garbage more than organics.

Secondary Sources – Requirements:
*In addition to quoting and using examples from the film The Clean Bin Project and from your personal garbage log, you must use at least two other secondary sources. Do not overload your essay with secondary sources and neglect closely analyzing the film. The film should be your primary focus.
Your secondary sources must include:
1. One scholarly source such as science or medical websites
2. One other source of your choice: This may be scholarly source, or a source ?reporting on waste management, consumer habits, or waste-related issues in the environment (a newspaper, magazine on current events, website, the City of Surrey’s in BC policies on composting, etc.).
The research essay demonstrates independent thinking, a mastery of content in your area of inquiry, and the ability to respond to a crucial question by integrating the viewpoints presented in multiple texts.
The essay reflects the student’s ability to identify interesting and important questions in his or her area of inquiry. It is a forum for you to show your ability to critically evaluate and synthesize material and engage in a scholarly discussion of your subject matter. A good essay will demonstrate clarity of purpose in regard to the question or theme, and the ability to draw out key relationships or implications between the texts.
Finally, this essay will demonstrate good writing. Using the skills you have been developing throughout the course—grammatical usage, appropriate diction, logically organized ideas, smooth transitions between paragraphs and sentences, effective topic sentences—your essay will effectively present and support a cogent thesis.
In a research essay, you need to bring the materials you researched together in meaningful ways. Do NOT discuss your secondary sources in isolation (in separate paragraphs), but instead look for critical connections. How do these articles help to illuminate your understanding and analysis of the film? How do they help you to prove your position? Alternatively, how can you argue against some of the critics’ claims in order to prove your own position?



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