Key Guidelines for Report

1. Your assignment should be 2,500 words maximum in length (+10%). (This excludes the list of references and appendices)

2. Section 1: Analysis from Step 1- 1,000 words
This needs to be clear, with logical explanation and commentary. Use paragraphs. Show any quotes from online forums. Give clear, referenced sources for all the points made.

Section 2: Proposal (Plan) for data collection – based on Step 2
This needs to include: research objectives; explanation of the proposed data collection and explanation of respondent sample & sampling techniques. You will also need to explain the objectives of the questionnaire in more detail, you outline the dimensions of your FULL questionnaire and you offer some rationale for your sampling. This should be based on the exercises in tutorials.
Section 3: The Questionnaire – two pages only

3. Format of Report: The report should include:
Title Page,
Contents Page
Introduction (short 50 words max)
3 Main Sections as above

The report should be in 12 point format (Times Roman or Arial font).

4. Full references for any sources must be indicated at the end of your assignment in a reference list. Please use Harvard referencing, as set out in your Programme handbook. Sources must be indicated clearly both in text (citation) and at the end in the final reference list. You may not copy material directly from any source and you must clearly source any data used in your report.

5. In this assignment, you should use ONLY one APPENDIX. (This needs to be a maximum of TWO A4 pages or less). Materials in the appendix must be referred to and commented on in the report. Otherwise, the material is superfluous and should not be included.

6. Hand in to Student Advice centre ?
• ONE hard copy of the complete assignment

7. You are also required to submit an electronic copy of the complete assignment through Turnitin on Blackboard by Wednesday 11th at 8:00 p.m.

please go through the assignment brief carefully
the first section is 1000 words should be about the presentation slides that i will provide.

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