Self evaluation of personal learning SWOT analysis+Developing,planning and prioritisation for work based distance learning


Self evaluation of personal learning SWOT analysis+Developing,planning and prioritisation for work based distance learning

Please do the two activities as in the attached paper excatly. the topic based on the work based distance learning

Self evaluation of personal learning SWOT analysis+Developing,planning and prioritisation for work based distance learning

Activity 3:
Your Personal SWOT Analysis Introduction/Discussion
Topic: Self evaluation of personal learning
Activity 3 Your personal SWOT analysis
As you set out on your WBDL programme it is worth spending some time thinking about learning at work and what it will involve for you. A useful method of analysing your personal situation is to do a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, (SWOT) analysis (see the figure below). The analysis is a very important part of your assessment, especially the Weaknesses element as these are the areas which need the most mitigation in respect of their impact upon your development and progress.

This section should be written in the 3rd person and include evidence of appropriate academic underpinning, properly sourced.
It is an introduction/discussion to the SWOT analysis and should focus on the topic generally and consider the benefits to the WBDL student.
A word count of approximately 250 words is recommended.





Personal SWOT Analysis ( 5 for each)

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Complete the above grid with your personal details and save as a word document.
The SWOT analysis allows you to arrange in a logical fashion the internal [Strengths and Weaknesses] and the external [Opportunities and Threats] factors that are most likely to influence your progress
Weakness Mitigation and Plan

Remember also that perceived SWOTs are very personal. Other people will therefore have different SWOTs in the same circumstances. Your friends and colleagues may have different opinions as to what YOUR SWOTs are. It is therefore worth discussing your personal analysis with others. Please mitigate your Weaknesses by writing a few paragraphs on each identified area, especially for each Weakness. These will have an impact upon your Personal Action Plan (Activity 4).

This section should be written in the 1st person and should address how you intend to mitigate the weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis. (130-150 word for each weakness)

Reflection Activity 3

This section should be written in the 1st person and include evidence of appropriate academic underpinning, properly sourced.
It is a reflection on undertaking the SWOT Analysis and should focus on you/what you have learned about yourself from undertaking the activity and how it will impact on your approach to your studies.
The word count for this section should be 250 words (plus/minus 10%).

Activity 4:
Developing Planning and Prioritisation Introduction/Discussion

Topic 4: Developing, planning and prioritisation
Activity: 4 Developing your Personal Action Plan

The previous 3 Activities, along with your Mitigation and Reflection, culminate in the creation of an Action Plan for personal development and completion of your studies. Research suggests that people who develop Personal Action Plans (for all purposes) are much more likely to be successful than those who do not. A Personal Action Plan can help you to focus on areas requiring work and to set yourself achievable targets for improvement. In this way it is linked to your SWOT analysis and the mitigation offered enhances and backs up your Personal Action Plan. You need to include realistic actions with deadlines and completion dates which are specific to each module and each assignment of your Degree. This Activity needs to be completed in Table format.
The key to a good action plan is that its targets should be SMART:
• Specific
• Measurable
• Achievable
• Realistic
• Time bound
It should also provide answers to the following questions:
• What will be achieved?
• How will it be achieved?
• What resources will be needed?
• What support will be needed?
• When will the activity be completed?
• Who will check progress and review the activity?
• How will the activity’s completion be assessed?

To complete this Activity you will need to produce a Personal Action Plan to develop your independence as a learner. You may wish to discuss its development with your tutor.
This section should be written in the 3rd person and include evidence of appropriate academic underpinning, properly sourced.

It is an introduction/discussion to Planning and Prioritisation and should focus on the topic generally and consider the benefits to the WBDL student.
A word count of approximately 250 words is recommended.
Personal Action Plan and Study Timetable

Within this section you need to identify all your modules (from your Programme Handbook) and develop an appropriate and comprehensive Personal Action Plan (PAP) and Study Timetable to guide and support you throughout your studies.
The PAP should be in table format, listing each module of your degree (including the dissertation) and listing specific actions you need to engage in to complete the assessment, keeping in mind the submission dates, eg: what do you need to do/read/research for that assignment and by when; how/when will you contact your tutor; when will the 1st/2nd/3rd drafts be completed and the work ready for final submission etc. Your actions must be specific to each activity within each assignment within each module.
You may find it appropriate to switch the page layout to landscape orientation for this activity.
(There is no recommended word count for this section.)

Reflection Activity 4
This section should be written in the 1st person and include evidence of appropriate academic underpinning, properly sourced.
It is a reflection on undertaking the Personal Action Plan activity and should focus on you/what you have learned about yourself from undertaking the activity and how it will impact on your approach to your studies in work based distance learning.
The word count for this section should be 250 words (plus/minus 10%).
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