The Civil Rights Movement: The Watershed Era

Please compose a three to four page reflective essay dealing specifically with the prompt below. Essays should be

constructed using formal language and students should utilize all standard guidelines found in the MLA handbook.

Citations and a works cited page are essential. Also, please be sure to use Times New Roman 12 point font and 1-inch

margins on all sides.

Imagination is an essential part of reconstituting our shared value for humanity; that is to say, our sense of value for

all human beings. Read Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail and reflect on how his use of imagination

helped to sway the American public towards supporting the Civil Rights Movement.

Compose an essay reflecting on spirit of justice in American History. Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal”,

Madison wrote that we were constituting a government to “secure the blessings of liberty”, but King convinced a nation to

make a real change through the utilization of imagination. What ideas and arguments are presented in this composition

that would lead one to move closer to America’s ideal concept of justice as describe in the Declaration of Independence?

– King: Letter from Birmingham Jail (an abridged version is available in Dierenfild – page 144)
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