Why pursue a career in allied health field ? Scholarship application


Why pursue a career in allied health field ? Scholarship application

First 2 pages: Write a 500-word essay about what inspired you to pursue a career in allied health field?
My information
– Per Diem RN at Gaylord Hospital (visit gaylord.org) pursuing a degree in Acute nurse practitioner at UCONN. INCLUDE: born in America, raised in a third world country, Haiti/ seen many people suffer due to shortage of medical professional / Health care law changes and the fact that by 2020 there is going to be a shortage of midlevel providers and I want to be able to become a midlevel provider. please provide other good and valid reasons for pursuing health field career as you deemed appropriate

3rd page : answer questions in short paragraphs (1-4 sentences)
1. why do you feel you are in financial need?
My information: mother, husband in school,working full-time, enrolled in school part-time, day care costs, student loan indebtness from 4-year college.
2. What provisions are you making to meet this need? (feel free to answer that question appropriately based on information provided)

3. Please write a paragraph about your Gaylord experience? 4-5 lines
( my information: work at Gaylord on a medical floor, experience has been great, please make up something) visit gaylord.org so that answer can be congruent with gaylord mission and goals)



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