Write reflection about different service delivery models.

Video Reflections


Write reflection about different service delivery models.

From www.teachingchannel.org…
Video: Expeditionary Learning at King Middle School –
Notice the variety of activities that prepare students for the culminating event. How does a culminating event motivate student learning? How could you implement a simplified version of an expedition and/or culminating event in a more traditional classroom?

Video: Engaging High Achievers – Note how Ms. Ehrke structures her class to be able to deliver 3 different math lessons each day. Note how she explicitly teaches students to solve conflicts independently and communicates effectively.

From www.youtube.com

Video: School Wide cluster Grouping Model
How many times do you hear the word “challenging: in each video? What is the commanality between what the teachers and the students see as material that is challenging? How are academics improved for gifted and non-gifted learners? What are some of the stated benefits of gifted cluster?

video: Real Jobs, Real People – What would it be like to be part of such an awesome learning environment? How can you incorporate some of what the daVinci Academy does into your own classroom and school? Whatmakes this school so unique?
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