You are a consultant for an independent television production company which is looking to move into the creation of children’s UK television. Write a research report on the current understandings of the child audience


You are a consultant for an independent television production company which is looking to move into the creation of children’s UK television. Write a research report on the current understandings of the child audience


You are a consultant for an independent television production company which is looking to move into the creation of children’s UK television. Write a research report on the current understandings of the child audience, the trends in children’s content and its marketability and UK broadcasters’ interests and commitments to the genre to advise your client as to what types of programming they should concentrate upon, and for which child demographic.

consulting the slides for indicative further reading(my uploaded the file) please using these and a range of other sources for this essay. Then, If the sources from book, i need clear the page number for the sources or reference .. .

Supplementary Reading:
Messenger Davies, M. (2011) Children, Media and Culture, Open University Press: Chapter Eight “Children’s Literature on Page and Screen” 132-146 and Chapter Nine: “Children’s television” 147-160.


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