WR39C University of California Irvine RA Writing Process Essay You can check my last reflective essay as an example to begin with. This reflective essay g

WR39C University of California Irvine RA Writing Process Essay You can check my last reflective essay as an example to begin with.

This reflective essay gives you the opportunity to look backward, forward, and inward as you think through your personal history with writing and reading, both in school and out of of school. Select from among the prompts you see below to generate this first document for your final ePortfolio.

Requirements: 500 words minimum

Guiding Prompts: You do not need to address all of the following prompts and questions, select those you find useful.

Your Writing Process: Describe the central strategies of your writing process. When and how did you learn them? How have they changed over time and what experiences have been most influential to you? How do you expect to use them in WR39C? Explain and use examples.

You and UCI: How have your experiences in your writing classes at UCI influenced your personal history as a writer or a reader in academic contexts? Has the WR39 series of courses influenced your ability to make effective choices about how to approach writing assignments in other classes? Assignments such as lab reports, business memos, blue book exams, short response papers, and any other examples of writing you have been assigned in here at UCI? In other words, have you applied what you learned in the WR 39 series to writing assignments in other classes? Have other classes and assignments influenced your writing process or your reading strategies; if so, which ones? Please explain using specific examples. (If this is your first quarter at UCI, talk instead about the most recent academic writing instruction you have received.)

Your Writing Outside of School: Has the WR39 series of courses influenced the strategies you use when you write or communicate outside of school, perhaps in your communities or in your extra-curricular activities? Are you using the same strategies in different contexts as you consider the demands of different situations, both in school and out? If so, please explain why, and give examples. Surname 1
Reflective Essay on my RA Writing Process
Writing is an undoubtedly important skill for students to not only succeed academically
but also enhance their personal development. During the beginning of the course, I did not think
the writing was complex until I was given a task. I realized it required the art of creating and
putting together some original work which implies my capability to either narrate texts in form
of a description or a narrative or completely change the information in the texts to come up with
an argumentative writing. During the first lessons of the WR39B class, the writing seemed to be
the most complex language skill compared to other skills such as reading, listening, and even
speaking. It came to my attention that writing had to follow a certain organization and it was
required of me to have great linguistic and expressive knowledge. My writing skills have
significantly improved since I started the WR39B class. Creative writing was a major challenge
for me but as a matter of course, I did not have much choice other than adapt and try to be as
creative as I could.
Before I started the rhetorical analysis writing, I never had an interest in writing and
thought it was just not my thing. I knew I was not good at it; therefore, I was always avoiding it.
However, I did not know that it was impossible to avoid it forever. Luckily, the class helped me
in a great way and my writing skills have been improving with time. The struggle in writing has
been real, but so have been the victories. Practice for sure makes perfect and nothing goes wrong
when one keeps practicing. I began improving my writing abilities the moment I developed an
interest in it. I was able to reshape my writing patterns from the motivation I received from class
and my extended practice. I also was able to develop and change the negative attitude I had
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towards writing for a long time and for believing I also can write. The change of attitude worked
pretty well for me.
I developed the art of having a positive attitude towards writing and it has a lot of
benefits in my writing process. So far it has helped me to have creative and constructive
thinking. Creative thinking helps me to look at situations in a bigger picture and come up with a
positive solution. The positive attitude towards writing helps me to look out for new ideas and
information and enables me to come up with better solutions. A positive attitude will lead to
positive thinking and eventually will lead to positive writing skills. It helps me to focus on the
success I am about to make and not on failure. I feel inspired and it also gives me the strength
not to give up despite the challenges I face in my journey of writing. Currently, I am able to
encounter lesser difficulties and obstacles in my daily writing and its all thanks to my positive
During the first days in the class, I encountered two major challenges. One of the
challenges was I could not have well-structured ideas. The reader of my work could not
smoothly read and understand my work. The relation between one sentence and the one that
followed was not easy to understand since they did not seem to relate in any way. My paragraphs
were long and lacked topic sentences. My work neither had a summary nor a conclusion. I lacked
the ability to show the connection between ideas or even have supportive information to support
those ideas. The second challenge was weak argumentation. A good rhetorical analysis essay
should be based on strong evidence. I ran out of content and was not able to support my ideas
and opinions.
I have learned how to overcome my greatest challenges in writing from the wr39b class.
The first paper I worked on had no flow. My work lacked logical connections. The ideas of one
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sentence did not have any connection with the one I wrote next and thus, interpreted the flow.
However, I have mastered the art of transition and clear, concise wording. These two have
helped me a great deal. My work is not perfect yet, but it now has flow compared to what I began
with. I have also learned how to come up with strong arguments to support my ideas. The
rhetorical analysis class has helped me to be more creative and make my arguments more
convincing. I do a thorough research and do not lack content to include in my work like before.
Nevertheless, I am still struggling with being too wordy. I tend to give too many details
on the text I am working on. I use more words to make my point that what is actually required.
For the second half of the quarter, I plan to work on my weak points to improve my writing
skills. I will focus on reducing wordiness in my writing since it somehow causes confusion to the
reader. I will avoid using unnecessary words and phrases. I believe the skills I have learned in
the class will be of much help in my major. Responding to what my classmates had done helped
me learn something new and look at the situation from a different angle.
Throughout the class, I have learned that writing is a mental apprehension of language
and linguistic process that usually involves a person’s thinking ability and memory in order to
express ideas. Writing has now become part of my everyday life. I started off with the easy
pieces and now I am able to tackle complex works. I believe the assignments and responding to
my classmates ask have played a major role in the rapid growth of my writing skills. My writing
skills have significantly changed. My first assignment on writing was terrible but I have been
learning new skills in class and incorporating them in my work.
I have seen great improvement in how I understand and express my ideas on texts,
specifically in Ted Chiang’s “Story of Your Life”. This was a rhetorical analysis where my
writing was supposed to evoke an emotional reaction from the reader. It was somehow tricky for
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me as a starter but the wr39b class helped me to demonstrate and illustrate my rhetorical know
how in the text through critical thinking, creativity, and detailed analysis. Science is not easy to
understand and despite the complexity in “Story of your life” Ted Chiang is able to write in a
way that is not hard to understand. He uses logos as a rhetorical symbol to explain the science
behind his story. Ted is able to persuade and convince the reader by using logic and reason. My
teacher and class discussions helped me understand it better.

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