
UCSD Thomas Jefferson And Martin Luther King Jr Views On Freedom & Legacy Format:5-6 pages double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font 8 ½ x 11 inch pape

UCSD Thomas Jefferson And Martin Luther King Jr Views On Freedom & Legacy Format:5-6 pages double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font

8 ½ x 11 inch paper

MLA guidelines (see Raimes “MLA Documentation”)


Your final piece will be your opportunity to illustrate your “creative juices” as well as the writing techniques you’ve learned this semester.What I want you to do is prepare a thoughtful “reflection” of the last sixteen weeks.Incorporate what you’ve learned about and from the different writing styles and persuasive techniques, subjects, authors, films, handouts, etc. that we’ve studied as well as how your writing has improved and any of the other “lessons” (i.e. political strategy, freedom, equality, tolerance, civil involvement, civil protest, religious and secular faith, hope and healing, etc.) you’ve learned through our class Your final piece must reflect thoughtful critical thinking – do not provide a quick “cookie-cutter” piece of work.Be thorough as this final may (for some of you) determine your overall grade for the course. (The picture I provided basically summarizes this but giving the names of the writers works we read in class during these 16 weeks)

Evaluative Criteria (for either your essay or the written text that accompanies your “alternative” piece):

A successful piece will…

Have a clear objective that directly addresses the assignment.
Effectively introduce the focus of your piece while providing a sense of the appropriate context of the piece.
Provide a smooth and efficient flow of information, making logical transitions from one idea to the next.
Demonstrate stylistically mature writing that is free from repetitively simplistic sentences, inappropriate word choice/language use, ineffective repetition of words, and abrupt transitions.
Follow the conventions of grammar, spelling, and punctuation and be reasonably free of mechanical errors.
Use MLA documentation properly, including formatting, sourcing and citation. 3:46
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5 pages of a thoughtful critical thinking and reflection incorporate persuasive technique
about political strategy, freedom, equality, tolerance, civil protest, religious and secular
faith, and hope and healing that are germane to your overall learning experience about
writers whose work has had a lasting influence on society such as, Machiavelli The
Qualities of the Prince, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King JR, and Henry David
Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, MLA Documentation.

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