BC Parental Guide on Personal Information Disclosure in Facebook Paper Cornell Notes APA Citation: [Include the References entry for the article in APA for

BC Parental Guide on Personal Information Disclosure in Facebook Paper Cornell Notes APA Citation: [Include the References entry for the article in APA format. For most of the articles we read in class, you can access the APA citation using the databases’ citation tools. Look at the tools that a database offers! When we discuss APA format in class, you will learn that while these database-generated citations are a good start, they are usually not completely correct. You will need to correct any errors in punctuation and capitalization and add or omit information as needed.] Cue Words: [Reread your notes and rethink the entire article based on your notes. Reduce each fact and idea in your notes to key words and phrases.Column on the left write down cue words, the word or phrase that you extracted from the fact or idea. The key words or phrases will act as memory cues.] Notes Written: [Record as many facts and ideas from the source as possible. Leave out unnecessary words. Use the key words only.Grammar rules are ignored.Write down a streamlined version of the article’s key points.] Summary: [Recapitulation is a sure-fire way to gain a deep understanding of facts and ideas in your notes, and reviewing summaries makes studying for exams a breeze. Take the time to summarize your notes, your understanding deepens—you have the whole picture instead of an assortment of facts. Your summary should be at least three complete, grammatically correct sentences.] Analysis/Reflection: [Reflection is thinking about and applying the facts and ideas that you have learned. Reflect on the material by asking yourself questions such as these: What is the significance of these facts? What principles are they based on? How can I apply them? How do they fit in with what I already know or what I have seen? What is beyond these facts and principles? To what extent do my personal observations and knowledge confirm the points that the author is making? This analysis/reflection should be at least five complete, grammatically correct sentences.]

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