Daytona State College Effect of Coronavirus Pandemic in Society Essay The way that Swift wrote about what was going on at the time is how I would like you

Daytona State College Effect of Coronavirus Pandemic in Society Essay The way that Swift wrote about what was going on at the time is how I would like you to approach this assignment. Construct a satirical response as a solution to something happening today. It can be as local as the city you live in, or as global as you’d like. Some examples might include things like climate change, the COVID-19, over population, economy (minimum wage, cost of living, etc.), overall health, or affects of social media. I suspect you will have to do some research, so make sure you are citing sources correctly both in your writing and on a work cited page if you do (and I will be able to tell if you took information from somewhere and didn’t cite it correctly). The length requirement for this assignment will be 500-750 words. If you need/want to write more, try to keep it under 1000 words. Proper MLA formatting will be expected.

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