Your selected group to study could be a work group, a family, a volunteer group, a team, etc.
Your selected group to study could be a work group, a family, a volunteer group, a team, etc.
•Use and include at minimum the key shown above. Please note: Use the dotted and solid lines and the proper arrows for orientation. If you find you need other types of lines to represent additional interactions, add that also to your key. No additional key items are required beyond those listed. The questions listed are only thought starters, and not a complete set.
•Include in your work a sociogram and your written analysis, as mentioned above. Also include suggested improvements that would help the interactions.
Resource Note: Here is a downloadable freeware resource you may want to use to get another perspective on a sociogram drawing.
If you have difficulty accessing the first site, try this version.
Sociogram Poss Points
Identifies group of people 5
Diagrams one way interactions 10
Diagrams two way interactions 10
Diagrams formal interactions 10
Diagrams informal interactions 10
Uses key appropriately 5
Analyzes results (uses and cite sources) 15
Makes improvement recommendations/clearly connected to course materials (use and cite sources) 15
Demonstrates evidence of critical thought 10
Demonstrates appropriate use of APA and Writing skills 10
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