Information Technology Law


Information Technology Law

Your work should be fully cited and referenced (using footnotes).
? Follow OSCOLA style for citations (you can use this link as a guide:

Marks will be awarded for
o Responding to the assignment appropriately
o Clarity
o Logical structuring and careful presentation
o Logical analysis of the question and clear application of the law
o Demonstrating nuanced knowledge of the relevant law
o Demonstrating critical evaluation and independent thinking
o Demonstrating the ability to use a variety of sources appropriately
o Demonstrating the ability to articulate and defend a particular position
? General requirements
o Write your assignment in MS Word 2003 or later version
o Check your spelling and grammar carefully
o Leave margins at standard size
o Justify text
o Use Times New Roman in size 12
o Double-space your essay

It is often argued that the law lags behind technological developments. As technology continues to evolve, governments
struggle to keep up. Consider the success of the Irish legislature in regulating crimes directed at computers such as


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