DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM WIKIPEDIA, ANSWERS.COM, PINKMONKEY.COM, EZESSAYS.COM OR ANY OTHER ONLINE SOURCE. I don’t want to hear what someone else has to say, I want to hear what you have to say.
CITE YOUR SOURCES, LEST YOU BE ACCUSED OF PLAGIARISM AND GET BOUNCED OUT OF THE CLASS WITH A GRADE OF F! If you are quoting or paraphrasing someone else (your textbook’s author, Prof. Mojo, one of the PDF writers), you need to do a citation. These aren’t research papers, though, so footnotes aren’t required. A simple APA-style citation will be enough, e.g., “[blah blah blah]”(BigBlowhard ImportantAuthor, p. 64)
PROVIDE AN INTRODUCTION AND A CONCLUSION. That’s just common sense and it shows you’ve organized your thoughts. A good introduction has a main idea or ideas (a thesis statement), and a good conclusion reinforces it.
ANSWER THE QUESTION THAT I ASK. Look at each prompt and you should be able to see that I am asking some sort of question –even if I don’t actually use a question mark. Think about it… Also, it gives you a central theme for your paper. Jumping around all over the place isn’t good.
USE DETAILS TO BACK UP YOUR POINTS. “The Texian colonists were unhappy with the government.” Okay, that’s a lovely statement; now can you give me some specific examples? But at the same time, don’t throw the kitchen sink at me. Have a reason for every sentence you put in your paper.
Explain the following statement: the American Revolution was more than just a military victory. 300 words minimum AND DON’T JUST TALK ABOUT MILITARY ISSUES! And as always, you plagiarize, you fail. Properly cite your sources. If you got tagged for not having a good intro and/or conclusion, make sure you have one this time. NO COPYING OFF THE INTERNET!
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