Amelia, a worker in mid 19th century Lowell, Massachusetts, claimed that factory workers were caught in a system of “wage
slavery.” How did she justify this claim?
Using what you know of factory work in mid 19th century, explain how such paid work might compare and contrast to slavery
as described by Frederick Douglass in his Narrative. (Remember to frame this discussion in the changing context/s of the
time period.)
Answer should be 2 paragraphs.
Source: chapters
CH 25d
CH 22a
On Mill work, Mill workers, and Life in the Mills
Center for Lowell History, Mill Life in Lowell 1820-1880
The Harbinger, “Female Workers of Lowell” (1836)
Orestes A. Brownson, Slave Labor vs. Free Labor, Boston Quarterly Review, July
Charles Dickens, “General Appearance of Mill Workers,” from American Notes
“A Week in the Mill,” Lowell Offering (1845)
Josephine L. Baker, “A Second Peep at Factory Life” in Lowell Offering (1845)
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