Tesco Metro operation and supply chain management analysis
You are required to select a real business, understand its operations in relation to the various supply chains
Operations Analysis: You may need to do secondary research to get a better perspective of the operations management issues in organisations of the type chosen by you. Interviews with customers, suppliers, owner, employees should be a part of the data collection strategy, along with observations and collection of historic as well as primary data Collected data like inventory records, interview questionnaire etc can be included in the appendix.
As this project involves end to end analysis of operations, it will be important for you to apply most of the operations concepts and best practices that you have learnt during the lectures and discussions.
Recommendations: This should be based on in-depth research of best practices and concepts that are widely accepted in the commercial world and the learning outcomes from class room discussion. Your recommendations should be justified by examples and also its potential impact to the chosen organisation. It would be useful to include the views of the owner on the proposed improvements.
Format of report: The report should have the following format: Executive summary, Business and operations background, Methodology used, Key operations management problems/issues, Recommendations, Appendices. In terms of word count, the report needs to be around 3000 words. However, the report can have more but not less number of words.
Following points related with supply chain management are expected in the analysis: lean management; forcasting; waste management; quality; process mapping.
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