-An Athlete Foundation
-The launch of a new sports product
Each team will develop a marketing and public relations plan for an organization, event, or athlete. The goal is to incorporate the strategies, tactics, and insights learned in the course.
– An Overview
– SWOT Analysis
– Strategic Considerations (an analysis of the current situation)
– Communication Goals (goals are general directions, not specific enough to be measured)
– Communications Objectives (objectives are specific and measurable)
– Strategic Recommendations (individual strategies that can help resolve the issue)
– A minimum of eight public relations tactics (exactly what communications initiatives you propose). This must include one media event; a timeline; and a description of how you plan to evaluate the campaign.
The plan should be comprehensive and detailed so that if someone unfamiliar with plan could implement it immediately.
Another requirement of the Communications and Publicity Plan is to include a media list (15 contacts minimum), and an interest-provoking media event.
Here are issues to consider as your plan comes together:
– Analyze the content of the client
– Survey the environment that it does business in
– Research the subject and environment
– What is your principle PR strategy and how will you implement it?
– What are some key elements/issues that are specific to your situations?
– What is your message?
– What are your target audiences?
We need to add the following two:
-Media list” requirement – 15 contacts minimum.
These should be real news organizations and job titles. You may also include the names of real employees at these organizations.
– There are several things we could talk about including how we plan to monitor the progress of the communication plan. For example, we will record the number of applications received on a bi-weekly basis and reconvene the team of four to figure out how to make the outreach more effective.