Data Analysis


Create Data Analysis

For this assignment, write an analysis section that describes the analytical approach of one of the mock data collection

described in one of the proposals completed in Activity 1 or 2.

Length: 3-5 pages.
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and

provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and

current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
2.0 Examine and describe various qualitative data collection procedures.
3.0 Describe how to compile, summarize and analyze qualitative data, and describe the use of qualitative data analysis

Activity 2
Create the Qualitative Study Discussion Section
For this assignment, write a discussion section that thoroughly describes what was “learned” in one of the mock

“mini-proposals” completed in Weeks 1 and 2.

Length: 3-5 pages.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and

provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and

current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

2.0 Examine and describe various qualitative data collection procedures.
3.0 Describe how to compile, summarize and analyze qualitative data, and describe the use of qualitative data analysis

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