Grey Wolves


Grey Wolves

Essay Overview
For this assignment, you will write a research-based essay of at least 6 pages that identifies a specific problem related to humankind?s relationship with the environment and proposes and/or defends a solution to that problem (see A&B pages244-262). Ideally, the problem and/or solution will be one you?ve identified via the research you?ve been conducting all quarter. Most likely, the proposal will be inspired by the research and writing you did for Essay Two: Exploratory Essay. Your essay should be closed-form and governed by a thesis inspired by one of the templates from TSIS (see pages 55-67). It should also incorporate at least six outside sources, three of which, unless otherwise specified and/or approved by your instructor, may not originate from a Website.

The purpose of the essay is three-fold:

To convince your audience the problem exists
To persuade them, in turn, to take action
To justify the action(s) you propose they should take.

I. Title (see A&B page 300)

II. Introduction
A. Attention grabber (see page 302 in A&B regarding ?an opening attention grabber?)
B. Description of the problem that provides relevant background information and gives the problem presence (see page 246 in A&B regarding giving the problem presence). See also questions on page 245 under ?Description of the Problem?). A bulleted list, answering the relevant questions on pages 245 and 246 will suffice for this portion of the outline, but please cite, as needed, and please be prepared to develop and refine for the essay as a whole.
C. Thesis/Roadmap (see ?Detailed Thesis? in chart on page 303 in A&B).

III. Explanation of Solution Specifics (see ?Proposal for a Solution? on page 245).
B. Explanation of the specifics of the solution?how it will work, what it will cost, what it will ?look like.?
Note: Kent Ansen begins this section of his proposal argument (see page 264) in question form, stating, ?What would this year of mandatory service look like?? He follows by describing the specifics of the solution, or what it entails. He does this in one paragraph, and then in the paragraphs that follow, moves on to support the reasons he believes the proposal should be enacted, as well as to summarize and rebut opposing views.

IV. Justification/Persuading Readers Your Proposal Should Be Implemented (see ?Justification? on page 245 & ?Strategies for Developing a Justification Section? on pages 247-248).
A. Articulate the first reason you believe your proposal should be implemented, and use details and evidence to support that reason.
? NOTE: consider an argument from principle here (see page 247)
B. Articulate the second reason you believe your proposal should be implemented, and use details and evidence to support that reason.
? NOTE: consider an argument from consequence (see page 248)
C. Continue articulating additional reasons you believe your proposal should be implemented and to use details and evidence to support those reasons.
? NOTE: consider an argument from precedent or analogy (see page 248)

V. Summary and Rebuttal of Opposing Views (see page 253 for policy proposal versus practical proposal approaches?here, the outline is for a practical proposal)
A. Identify alternative solution #1:
a. State reason(s) alternative solution #1 is inferior to your solution
b. Use details, evidence, and reasoning to support your claim that alternative solution #1 is inferior to your solution.
B. Identify alternative solution #2:
a. State reason(s) alternative solution #2 is inferior to your solution
b. Use details, evidence, and reasoning to support your claim that alternative solution #2 is inferior to your solution.
C. Continue as needed, with opposing views?

NOTE: You might find addressing opposing views/alternatives fits better in your justification section, but this outline provides a way to make sure that you?re meeting that requirement.

VI. Conclusion?be creative, but make sure you?re calling readers to action!!!
(see pages 305-306)
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