International Trade

This paper is about issue of any kind of international trade. It should be included graph, picture, and references but

makes sure it should be at least 6 pages with words.
The objective of this course is to provide future decision-makers with a systematic understanding of critical aspects of

the international business environment. We examine the forces driving toward globalization — the integration of national

business activities into globally competitive markets. We also look at forces that maintain differences between countries

and regions. The course begins with the economics of international trade in goods and services. International trade is a

key driver of global integration. We study the role of comparative advantage as a determinant of the location of

production. Other important aspects of trade that we will explore are factor endowments, scale economies and market

structure. Finally, we investigate the reasons for and effects of government policies that influence flows in

international trade for the benefit of its citizens. I recommend that you keep up with current developments in the

international business environment, both for class purposes and for your own benefit. You can do this by reading the

relevant articles in a good newspaper (e.g., Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Times) or weekly magazine

(e.g., the Economist). You are encouraged to bring up current events for discussion in class, as time permits.
Here is outline for paper
It must be type-written, double-spaced, using one inch margins, with a simple twelve point font. You may append the

articles you drew upon at the end of the paper.
The topic for the paper must relate to the material covered for the course. For example, the first topic addresses why

countries trade. It provides three plausible theories that explain trade. You may find a set of articles that discuss

trade patterns for the current era and ties an explanation to one of the chapters we cover – comparative advantage,

Hecksher-Ohlin, or monopolistic completion. Your efforts should focus on making the connection clear and explaining how

the articles succeed in their explanation. You want to provide clarity in understanding the topics and tying it directly

to the course.
The emphasis is one of application and analysis. Apply the theory to a real world example(s). Does it fit? How well does

it fit? Does it fit poorly? How might you modify it to improve its fit? Do the articles you depend upon for your paper do

a good or a poor job in applying the theory? What was excluded that should have been included? How well do writers know

what they are writing about? Or, are they, perhaps, ignorant hacks?
Do not be an ignorant hack. Be an educated reader. Show me what you are.

Please reference “An Introduction to International Economics. Kenneth A Reinert. Cambridge Univeresity Press, 2012. ”

this book with chapter 3,4,5,6,8.
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