one of the innovations generated


I would like you to visit Carillon Historical Park (
at 1000 Carillon Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45409
(Make sure you attach your receipt to your assignment in order to prove you have actually
visited the open air museum: 1%) and write an essay (one-page, double-spaced, Arial 11 font
with 1.0 inch margins all around: 1%) about one of the innovations generated in Dayton area.
The report, due on February 17th, 2015, should be composed of three paragraphs (each
worth 1%):
i) Describe the innovation briefly. Was it an individual or team effort? Also, provide a
background about the time it was generated. Was there a need for this innovation at the
time or did the inventor(s) have to generate a desire for their product?
ii) Describe one firm that is currently manufacturing the most innovative products that spun
from that particular innovation.
iii) In the last paragraph, I would like you to write what struck you most when visiting such a
museum? What do you think was unique in Dayton area in the past that cultivated such
innovative endeavors?

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