“[T]he Human Rights Act 1998 [HRA] is a vital tool in the domestic protection of fundamental rights. It has been a victim of a sustained campaign of misinformation, such that its repeal is now seen as a vote winner. Our liberties are too important to be


“[T]he Human Rights Act 1998 [HRA] is a vital tool in the domestic protection of fundamental rights. It has been a victim of a sustained campaign of misinformation, such that its repeal is now seen as a vote winner. Our liberties are too important to be

• You will need to explain several matters here: how the HRA is supposed to protect rights in the UK; why it might be said that the Act has been the victim of a campaign of misinformation; why it might be thought repealing the Act is a ‘vote winner’
• You will also need to undertake some critical analysis here – to deal with the value judgment Grosz is making here – he clearly believes the HRA should remain a part of British law. Why does he think this? What do you think?

Whatever conclusions you draw, explain them: your tutors want to see the process by which you arrive at your conclusions, not simply the conclusions themselves.

Take care with online sources – many are poor: leave well alone if you cannot identify the author (a person or organisation), the date the piece was written and its purpose.

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